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Automated shades and blinds

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Configure any blinds in your house to automatically open and close

Automated shades and blinds that extend, retract, or tilt on their own are indeed a luxury, but they're also quite useful. They can also help reduce energy usage and enhance home security.

Lamp in front of automated blinds

Be creative about light in your rooms

Blinds aren't the first smart product we imagine when we think about automation for the home, but they are one of the most creative.

When you are away from home

Even if you're not at home, motorized shades that raise and lower on command or according to a set timetable provide the appearance of people being there.
View from inside of automated blinds
Desk in front of blinds

Save money and energy

Blinds that are drawn back also help you save money on your energy bill. Let in more light, lower the heat, and let the sun help you save money.

Protect your furniture and art from the sun

Everyone indeed loves summer and the gorgeous weather that goes along with it, but it may do a lot of damage to your house if you don't take precautions. The sun's heat, on top of making your house feel like an oven, can also cause important features of the interior to fade, such as furnishings, artworks, and flooring. The use of automated blinds can help reduce the heat and protect your home.
Dog in front of the windows

Safe for children and pets

The touch of a button allows you to effortlessly adjust your shades. You'll be making your home safer for kids and pets since automatic shades are cordless.
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